Jelly Candy with Pacharán (Sloe Brandy)Orujos PanizoWith this recipe you'll be able to make Pacharán Panizo-flavoured gummy sweets, which can make great desserts as well as sweet appetisers. With this recipe you'll surely surprise friends and family!
This idea was taken from the following webpage: More
Curd and Pacharán SorbetOrujos PanizoWe found this recipe in Homeandrun and we loved it! It is really easy to make, as well as delicious to eat.
Do you want to try this dessert?Read More
Queimada de Orujo PanizoOrujos PanizoLa Queimada is a traditional drink typical of Galicia, Spain, and it is tied into its mythology. The main ingredient is the orujo brandy (or aguardiente). It is mixed with sugar and burnt in a mud dish. In that way you its alcohol level is lowered and the sugar melts. The rest of the ingredients depend on the chef, but they are usually lemon and orange zest and coffee beans. The quantities of the ingredients and the cooking time vary depending on your individual preferences. Read More
Lemon Liquored TiramisuOrujos PanizoThis recipe is a new twist to the classic tiramisu with coffee-hinted flavours. You can't forget the mascarpone, that's the main key of a tiramisu. The difference in this case is that you'll be dipping the ladyfingers (sponge finger biscuits) in lemon juice and lemon liqueur. Below you'll find both the ingredients needed and method to prepare it.
This recipe was taken and modified from: More
Chocolate Chip and Orujo Panizo Cream Liqueur MuffinsOrujos PanizoThis delicious recipe has been extracted from the following blog:
These are infantes with chocolate chips and Crema de Orujo Panizo, which in shape are quite similar to classic muffins.Read More
Orujo Panizo Cream Liqueur Crème CaramelOrujos PanizoWould you like to give your crème caramel a distinctive touch, and surprise your family and friends? We recommend this easy and tasty recipe we found on the following blog: More